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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Cheat Codes

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Console Commands

Hit "~" to bring up the command prompt and then type the code



playerenchantobject <object ID> <MGEF ID #1> <MGEF ID #2>

Add an item to your inventory with 1-2 enchantments of your choice. Magnitude based on enchanting skill, 100=100%.

AdvancePCSkill (skillname) #

Add levels to your skills

player.addperk ########

Add perk (ie Light fingers is 00018E6A)

Player.modav Dragonsouls #

Adds dragon's souls to your pool, allowing you to improve your shouts.

fov x

Adjust field of view (insert fov value as x )

advskill <skill> #

Advances the targeted skill by xxx amount


All Spells

player.setscale #

Change scale of player; 1 is normal


Changes ownership of target so you can safely take without stealing


Changes your gender


Complete all Quest Stages


Duplicate items (click container\NPC and copy the RefID)

COC <location>

Fast travel to location, e.g. coc Rivertown


Freeflying camera

player.additem [ItemNumber] #

Give player item (i.e. gold is 0000000f, lockpicks are 0000000a)

help "NPC Name" 4

Gives the ID for the companion or NPC


God mode

player.modav burden #

Increase Burden by #


Increase your Level

player.setav speedmult X

increases movement speed where X is a percentage multiplier (eg. player.setav speedmult 250)


Kill enemy (Must select with arrow first)


Kills all hostiles in your immediate vicinity


list all commands in console


quits the game instantly


Removes all items of selected NPC


Removes selected object from your game


Reset NPC to original inventory.


Restores targetted NPC's HP to Full


Restores the player's HP to Full


Resurrects targeted dead

saves game with "name of file"

savegame [name of file]

help keyword #

Search by the keyword, the number is what mode to search by. Modes are listed by help every time you use it.

player.modav carryweight #

Set Carry Weight

player.modav fame #

Set character's fame.

player.modav infamy #

Set character's infamy.

player.setav Health #

Set health

player.setcrimegold X

Set it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 if you want to be free.

player.setav Magicka #

Set Magicka

player.setlevel #

Set Player Level

player.setav Stamina #

Set Stamina

player.setav *skillname* #

Sets skill to # level without leveling character.

setgs fpickpocketmaxchance 100

Sets the maximum percentage for a successful pickpocket to 100%.

setessential <ID> 1

Sets the NPC corresponding to the ID essential

setgs fpickpocketminchance 100

Sets the pickpocket success rate to 100% (Does not bypass the maximum set by the game. Use with set maximum pickpocket percentagege for best results).


Sets the refractive value of the target. 0.0= normal, 0.000001= invisible,1.0 = full refraction


Show Race Menu

tmm 1/0

Show/hide all map markers 1=show 0=hide

player.placeatme X

Spawns an NPC at your location. (Replace X with NPC ID)


starts all quests, *NOT RECOMMENDED!*


teleports you to quest target

coc qasmoke

This brings you to the testing hall with all items in the game. Be careful as opening enchanted armor and weapons cabinets may cause your game to crash


This command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they're disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch, instead of reloading put in this c


Toggle AI Detection (You can steal all you want and no one will see you, doesn't work with pickpocketing)


Toggle Artificial Intelligence (freezes npc, they can't walk, move, or anything.)


Toggle collision


Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (same as TAI; however only makes the NPC not being able to combat)


Toggle FOW


Toggle Grass


Toggle menus (HUD)


Unlocks anything that may be locked by typing unlock then clicking the chest or door you want unlocked then press enter

Player.IncPCS [Skill Name]

Will increase the level of a skill by one.

lock X

You can lock chests and door, or people by targeting them and typing "lock" followed by the level of difficulty you wish to set it at.



Armor Duplication

Using the armor stand in your house in Solitude, place any piece of apparel on the mannequin then immediately take it back before exiting the menu. Leave your house and then go back in, the armor should appear on the mannequin and will still be in your inventory.


Free Archery Skill

Visit Faendal at riverwood, he's a wood elf that usually stands by the mill.

Ask him to follow you. 
2) Then ask him to train your archery. (Have some gold around at least to make your first purchase of training) 
3) Ask to borrow something and take his gold. It's not considered stealing. 
4) Repeat 2 and 3 infinity times. 
NOTE: You can only level archery 5 times per level, but you level up slightly every time your archery skill goes up.

NOTE: This will work with any trainer who can also be a follower.


Restock any merchant instantly.

Follow the steps to instantly refresh the merchant's stock and gold: 1) Choose a merchant 2) Sell or buy anything 3) Save your game 4) Kill the merchant 5) Load the game


Use the sneak roll without the perk

To do this activate sneak mode and hold the sprint button, then double tap the ready/sheath button while moving forward to execute to forward roll. If you do this while moving sideways, you instead do a hop in that direction.



Infinite Arrows

If you pickpocket someone who shoots target dummies with arrows and take whatever arrows they were using (usually iron or steel) and give them 1 of the arrow type you want infinite of, they will shoot that type of arrow instead. Just collect them as they hit the dummy and you can build up a nice stockpile.




Easy Level-Up

This Glitch allows you to level up several of your stats as well as actual level. Ones Raisable : 1 handed, 2 handed, Archery, Destruction, Sneak and Restoration. In order to do this glitch travel to Riverwood, then look for Alvor and Sigrid's House. (Blacksmiths house) Go inside and look for Hadvar. When you see him ensure it is just you and him around. Then Enter Sneak mode and proceed to utilise the skills you wish to level up. He is immortal and will not react besides falling temporarily when out of health. I.e. No aggression to you or calling the guards.


Free house in Whiterun

Go into the castle and find Proventus Avenicci. For this glitch to work, you need to make sure he's by something you can store items in. (his bedroom has a wardrobe that's perfect for this glitch) Make sure you have 5000 gold and talk to him about buying the house. Select the answer "I'll take it" and immediately press "O" to back out of the conversation. Then quickly open up the wardrobe and store all your gold in it. You'll receive the key to the house, and then you can retrieve all your gold from the wardrobe.


Free training for leveling up in combat skills

Go to Riverwood and get Faendal as your follower. Ask him to train you in archery and pay him the gold. After gaining a level talk to him and ask to trade with him. Take the gold back out of his inventory and then ask him to train another level. Rinse and repeat infinitely. This also works with any of the Companion followers who are also trainers in Whiterun. (Aela, Athis, Farkas, Njada and Vilkas)


Infinite EXP

At the beginning of the game, when your rescuer unbinds you they will not respond to attacks, you can exploit this to level archery or any combat ability on them with no consequence.


Infinite Money

Grab any Horse and Carriage to Winterhold. Once at Winterhold, turn right immediately. Travel Southwest from Winterhold to a location called "Sightless Pit". Just above Slightless Pit a little higher on the mountain (not much higher) you will see a alter with a skeleton on it, beside the skeleton is a book called "The Doors to Oblivion". Pick up the book, and kill the skeleton on the table, Two other skeletons will rise around the alter, kill these as well. Return to the Skeleton near where you picked up the book, and loot it's body, take everything, and loot again, you'll notice the book on this skeleton continually re-appears, giving you an unlimited supply of "The Doors of Oblivion" worth 50 gold each. Every time you view the Skeletons inventory, even if you do not remove the book, adds 1 book to the skeletons inventory. Enjoy.


Infinite skill level up glitch (Pre-Patch)

First a requirement for this glitch is Oghma Infinium (acquired from the daedric quest 'Discerning the Transmundane') that is in your inventory and not read and a book shelf (found in breezehome after getting the alchemy lab upgrade). Save before going further. what you want to do is go to the book shelf and read the book and choose your skill set. close the book but do not exit the bookshelf. store the book into the bookshelf and then exit it. Take the book off the shelf and select the option (Do not read). repeat the process until desired.


Invisible Dawnstar Chest

In Dawnstar, just left of the entrance to Iron-Breaker Mine, are a tree and three rocks. Approach the rock in the back and look down at it and you will receive a prompt to open a chest. Do so and you will find large quantities of equipment (both enchanted and standard), gold, crafting consumables and potions. These items will improve in quality as your level increases. The chest is tied to the salable inventory of the Khajit Ahkari. Ahkari wanders Skyrim with her caravan, but can be easily found outside Dawnstar. If you Fast Travel to Dawnstar, she will be in the tent immediately behind you. If you do not see the group, Wait (by pressing Select and waiting in-game hours) until she is there. There are two ways to respawn the chest. If you wait 48 in-game hours her inventory will restock, restocking the chest's contents as well. Alternately, you can save the game next to Ahkari, then kill her. Reload the save you just made and view her inventory. It will have restocked along with the chest's contents!


Open Display Cases Without Lockpicks

This works on anything within a locked display case in the game. Look directly at the item through the display case glass. Now hit X to activate the lockpick mingame, but rather than taking the time to actually pick the lock, you can hit CIRCLE to back out of the lockpicking screen and immediately hit the X button. If done correctly, you will take the item from within the case without having to unlock the display case. i.e. the Elven Sword in the display case in Jarl Balgruuf's bed chamber area in Dragonsreach. It has a Master level lock but using this method you can get it without wasting time or lockpicks. NOTE: This is in most cases stealing, so dont get caught !


Permanently dupe one item.

A mannequin can duplicate any one piece of visible apparel (armor, clothes, rings, etc) indefinitely. To do this, go to the mannequin, store the visible armor, and exit out the menu. The mannequin should disappear, pardoning the hands. Go back into the mannequin, and equip any other piece of equipment that is a different type than the one you want to dupe. (if you want to dupe a chest piece, do no put another chest piece on it). Then exit out of the menu. The mannequin should still be invisible. Go back into the menu, and take back the piece you want to dupe. The mannequin should become visible with the second piece of armor on it. Leave the area, and re-enter. Your mannequin should be invisible again. When you check it again, it will still have a copy of the armor that you took off of it. Exit and re-enter whenever you want another copy. One thing to note, is that the mannequin will now always have that one thing on them, and I have yet to find a way to change what it dupes. So basically your one item will be "imprinted" onto the mannequin permanently. Voila!


Use the sneak roll without the perk

To do this, activate sneak mode and hold the sprint button, then double tap the ready/sheath button while moving forward to execute to forward roll. If you do this while moving sideways, you instead do a hop in that direction.



Infinite Arrows Any Kind

First go to solitude go to the shooting range. Then if u want steel arrows just go to the target there shooting at but if you want any other kind of arrow first place at least one arrow of the one you want in their inventory. Next take all the other arrows out beside your arrow that you placed to do this you must go into the castle dour and go to the left. Find the guard you placed the arrow on and steal his other arrows. You may want to save before trying this so you don't risk losing gold and being arrested. PS you can get daedric arrows (if the right level) from fletcher's which is opposite the blacksmith



No Dragon World

Before you complete the first quest for the jarl of Whiterun (giving the dragonstone to the wizard), the world will have NO Dragons. Take this chance to go out and grab a few advanced shouts or items from areas that tend to be very dragon heavy, and dificult to reach early game.




Arrow Glitch

After killing the first dragon and being appointed Thane of Whiterun, talk to your new house earl and Trade items with them. Take your best set of arrows and give ONE to them, remove their sword and assign them a bow. Every time you go into battle, they will fire multiple arrows from the one you traded. Collect all of them after your battle and enjoy your new stock of arrows!


Buy The Whiterun House Without Spending 5000 Coins

In order to buy the house in Whiterun, you'll need 5000 coins on hand, but you'll be able to keep it with this trick -- which makes use of your ability to turn your head around while talking to people. If you go to the man who sells you the house in Whiterun while he's asleep in his bed, he'll sit up to talk to you. Make sure you're standing in a place that you can open the nightstand or dresser next to the bed while you're talking to him. As soon as you agree to buy the house *immediately* open the dresser next to the bed and put your gold into it and return to the conversation. He'll give you the key, and then you can just get your gold back out of the dresser, as rich as you were before.


Constant slow motion

You need a bow, arrow and the Eagle Eye perk. Just zoom in with the bow and the game will slow down. Now, reload a save while still zooming. The game is now in slow motion until you use the zoom again. Found on Xbox360.


Duplicate Any Apparel (Pre-Patch)

Place any apparel item (armor or jewelry for better results) on any mannequin. Then place the item back into your inventory. Leave your location to another area (ie. Exit a house), then return to the area to find the item still on the mannequin. Successful duplication.


Early Sneak Skill and Level Up

Once you can get to Bleak Falls Barrow, go and talk to Sven to talk about his love troubles with this girl. Accept to deliver a fake letter to the girl he mentioned. Go find the girl and deliver the letter (lie) to her. After, go to Faendal and accept the Golden Claw quest. Go back to Sven and talk to him about the quest. Then tell him to follow you. Sneak behind and sneak attack Sven. You can do this as much as you want (as long as you don't kill him). For every sneak attacks, your sneak skill should increase, which increases your level progression. Sven gets mad at you obviously, but he never tries to attack you back. *NOTE*: DO NOT get the perk to increase one-handed weapons to do 6x damage. If you do, and you try to sneak attack after you get the perk, you'll do a sweet kill animation where you slit his throat. Sven dead = no more sneak attacks :( You could save up your perk points after each level up to get all the weapon sneak skill perks at once. (to avoid killing Sven) This method should also raise one-handed weapon skill (or whatever type of weapon you have equipped) as well.


Easy gold

When completing the quest to get married, marry a follower. Make them follow you and trade items. They should have 750 gold because of the store they run. Take the gold leave wait a day and rinse and repeat. As much gold as you need without having to sell anything!


Easy pickpocket levels

Go to jail in riften and unlock your cell door. Directly across from your cell is a guy named black-briar, you can pickpocket him even after hes caught you. Pickpocket all of his stuff then place it back into his inventory and pickpocket it all again. you can do this indefinitely.


Get free skill training

If you can get a skill trainer as your follower then you can get any training for free. Just train your skills and then ask them to trade and take the gold back.


How to level up conjuration fast

Buy or steal a horse. (I used the one I bought from Whiterun) Learn the spell soul trap. Use soul trap on your horse. Your horse will not be hurt and your conjuration will go up. Repeat as much as desired.


Infinite Skill Level Ups (Pre-Patch)

Obtain Oghma Infinium but do not read it yet, Breezehome and the Alchemy Lab for it 2. You may want to save. 3. Open bookshelf, read the book, and select skill set 4. Close the book but not the bookshelf, then store the book on the shelf. 5. Take the book back off the shelf and select (Do not read) 6. Repeat this process for endless skill gain.


Keep the Rusty Mace and Mace of Molag Bal from House of Horrors

Equip the Rusty Mace. Click on any weapon mount in Hjerlim. This will remove the mace from your inventory even though it is a quest item. Finish the quest and receive the mace with unlocked potential, the Mace of Molag Bal. This can be used to keep other quest weapons that you are meant to give to others, since the game assumes it is impossible that the item is not in you inventory, quests continue as normal though you have kept the weapons for yourself.


Level Cheat

For all your power leveler's out there, I came across this online... When the beginning scene is finished you'll follow an Imperial to a small fort where you can continue to follow the Imperial or a Stormcloak (you can follow either for this to work). Whom ever you chose to follow will give you a small tutorial of the game as you escape the turmoil created in the beginning scene. As you go through the tutorial you will come to an underground cave where you'll be taught how to perform sneak attacks. At this point you'll be asked to either sneak attack a bear or sneak past it. Instead of doing either of these you can enter sneak mode and go behind which ever NPC is giving you the tutorial and attack him over and over again with no consequence since he will not retaliate or die. You can use this to level up your one-handed, sneak, two-handed, and destruction skills. I'ts better to get them into a corner because when you hit him he will be pushed forward. This is very useful if your willing to put the time into it. //Also with the companions when every you have a shield sibling go on a quest for them with you they won't die so you can level up in attack hits and archery also magic but they will attack back so get them hurt enough so they fall to the floor then they regenerate and get up, right after they get up they won't attack you anymore unless you hurt them and so then repeat this to level up. Ihope thus helped.


Maximum speech glitch (Pre-Patch)

Find Ungrien in Rifton and tell him "Tell Me about Maven Black-Briar." Choose the persuasion option (requires 25 Speech or higher). If you succeed, the option doesn't go away, and you can kep using it until you hit 100 in speech


Oghma Infinium Book (Infinite Skill Level Ups) (Pre-Patch)

The bookeshelves maybe broken, but you can still use anything you can store the book in. You do NOT have to close the container either. 1. Open Chest (above bookshelf in whiterun for example) or any container you can store items in 2. Read the book in your inventory 3. Choose a path 4. Hit B then store the book 5 Scroll up to the "Chest" area and take the book (skips the (Do Not Read) part and the book does not open) 6. Repeat 1-6. This has been tested and confirmed by multiple people. Including myself and a friend of mine.


Quick Gold Glitch

Go to Winterhold, start heading up the path as if you're going to do the dragon bounty for the jarl, you will come to a cave called the "Sightless Cavern". Continue past it up and around a corner, you will come to an alter with skeletons. Next to the alter there are Boots and a Shield. Picking them up will make the skeletons come alive. After killing them, the skeleton that was on the alter will have a "Book of Oblivion" in his inventory. This book will never disappear. Continue looting the body for an infinite number of books worth 50 gold each.


Steal More Easily

It's possible to steal items at any time of day, in any situation. All you need to do is pick up a basket, bucket, kettle, or any other "container" type item and place it over any NPC's head. With the item over their head, they will not be able to see you as you plunder their Soon-to-be-bankrupt shop. This trick does not, however, work for pickpocketing. It only works for stealing items off counters, shelves, etc. Lastly, there are a few, select NPC's that will not allow you to put the bucket, basket, etc. over their heads. It seems like they have a sort of 'bubble' around them that prevents it from fitting on their head for more than a few seconds.


Use the sneak roll without the perk

To do this activate sneak mode and hold the sprint button, then double tap the ready/sheath button while moving forward to execute to forward roll. If you do this while moving sideways, you instead do a hop in that direction.



Do Not Delete Box!

At random times in the game, the shopkeepers of Whiterun (and possibly elsewhere) will sell a "Miscellaneous" item called "Do Not Delete". It appears to be a common treasure chest; however, much like the paintbrushes in Oblivion, have no laws of gravity applied to them. When you drop them, they float wherever your cursor was. Purchase two of them to get into areas you couldn't reach before, or (painstakingly) create a stairway to the sky.


Oblivion bucket

Inside the museum of Dawnstar there is a yellowish piece of paper with the symbol for Oblivion on it inside one of the display cases. I you pick the lock and use a spell for a few seconds on the paper it will suddenly turn into a bucket. Nothing can be done with the bucket. Purely a thing of amusement.



Easy sneak skill increase

When you can reach the Greybeards at High Hrothgar you can level up your sneak skill in a very easy way. All you have to do is sneak behind one of the Greybeards and wait untill you become undetected. Then all you have to do is attack them and then repeat the Greybeards will not attack you in anyway and this is not a crime. You can use a weapon but you have the risk of killing them it works fine while unarmed.


Easy XP, Smithing, & Speech Skill

Every time you go to a forge, make sure to talk to the person in charge of it, and buy all the iron ingot and leather or leather strips they are selling. Then, make as many leather strips as it takes for each iron ingot. Take it to the forge, and make an iron dagger that only takes one of each ingredient to create. If you sell it back to the merchant, sell it one at a time so you create more transactions to level up the Speech skill


Infinite Arrows

If you pickpocket someone who shoots target dummies with arrows and take whatever arrows they were using (usually iron or steel) and give them 1 of the arrow type you want infinite of, they will shoot that type of arrow instead. Just collect them as they hit the dummy and you can build up a nice stockpile.



Respawning invisible chest with lots of items in Dawnstar

There are many items (some useful, some not-so-useful.) Amongst the useful items are potions/poisons, enchanted armor/weapons, and soul gems. It's related to a wandering Kajiit trader, and the chest will respawn when the trader's wares respawn. The chest is located in Dawnstar to the left/east of the Iron Breaker Mine entrance. There are three rocks arranged in a triangle and a small pine tree. Look between the mountain and the rock closest to the mountain which is partially under the tree. You may need to crouch. It's invisible, but your crosshairs will pick it up.



Pick up Skill Books without reading them.

When you pick up a skill book that is not in a container, you will read it and gain a point in that skill. There is a way to avoid this; adding the book to your inventory so that you can save it for later use. This is useful for later in the game when it can be difficult to increase a skill. To use this method you need to have a companion, then; When you see a Skill Book in the game (cross-ref one of the FAQs for names; or look at the value of the book) talk to your companion and select the "I need you to do something" command. Then put the cursor on the book, and select it. The dialog box will tell the companion to "Read such-and-such book," but the companion will add it to their inventory. You can then take the book from then inventory to be read -- and the skill point gained, at your leisure.

Game files - Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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