Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game. During the game you will be able to use the following keys:
NUMPAD1 - immortality
NUMPAD2 - unlimited money
NUMPAD3 - unlimited amount of ammo and grenades
NUMPAD4 - you do not need to reload weapons
NUMPAD5 – more experience points (CTRL + 5 provides an infinite number of experience points)
NUMPAD6 - infinite number of skill points (CTRL + 6 resets skill points)
NUMPAD7 - infinite number of tokens
NUMPAD8 – super accuracy
NUMPAD9 - instant regeneration skills
NUMPAD0 - single attack kills enemy
NUMPAD + - more cash
NUMPAD- - reset skills
NUMPAD. - to increase the rate of fire arms
F1 - indestructible shield
F2 - faster movement
F3 - super jump
F4 - stopping opponents
F5 - token freeze and skill points
F6 - unlimited eridium
F7 - the lack of variation in fire
F8 - maximum developed character statistics (F9 restore previous state)
F10 - maximum capacity inventory
F11 - infinite number of Golden keys
F12 - stop the time counter
HOME - disable all facilities
Please Note!Trainer works with version 1.4.0 of the game.