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Tyranny: PC Cheat Codes

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Press ~ (the key above TAB) to produce a console where you can enter codes.

Type in iroll20s and you will be able to enter the codes below, with bracketed words replaced with desired values, to unlock the corresponding effects.

Do keep in mind, though, that you won’t be able to earn achievements while they are in use.




Code                  Result

Iroll20s – Enable the cheat mode. Re-enter cheats disabled.
God – God mode, the entire party is inviolable. Reenter disabled god mode.
HealParty – Provides stamina and to restore health for all group members
UnlockAll – Opens all closed container on the current map
Rest – The Group engages and consumes no camping utensils
Give Money Player X – You gain X coppers
AddExperience X – Each group member receives experience points X
AddExperienceToLevel X – Each group member advance to level X on (maximum: 12)
Skill XYZ – Increases the skill for player X Y Z rank.

Character Names: Player_NewCharacter(Clone)_0, Comp_MobileDamage (Lyra/Verse), Comp_Defender (Barik), Comp_Historian (Lantry), Comp_RangedMagic (Eb), CompSirin (Sirin), CompBeastwoman (Kills-in-Shadow)

Skill Names: Athletics, Dodge, Lore, Parry, Subterfuge, Bows, Staff, Thrown, Unarmed

Example: skill Comp_Defender Dodge 50

AttributeScore XYZ – Increases the attribute for player X Y Z rank.

Character Names: Player_NewCharacter(Clone)_0, Comp_MobileDamage (Lyra/Verse), Comp_Defender (Barik), Comp_Historian (Lantry), Comp_RangedMagic (Eb), CompSirin (Sirin), CompBeastwoman (Kills-in-Shadow)

Attribute Names: Might, Quickness, Wits, Vitality, Resolve, Finesse

Example: attributescore Comp_Historian Quickness 20

CraftingDebug – You will get a large number of crafting materials
FreeRecipesToggle – You can crafting everything without having the appropriate ingredients
Invisible – Group is invisible – enemies ignore you
NoFog – No Fog of War
ToggleSpellLimit – You can cast spells without limitation
UnlockBestiary – Turns all monster messages freely in the bestiary.

Game files - Tyranny

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