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Sorcerer King: Rivals - Trainer 2.02 {}

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Using this Trainer:

Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.

Listen for "Activated".

Press desired option key



Numpad 4: Super Population



Numpad 1: Unlimited Movement

Numpad 2: Unlimited Summoning

Numpad 3: Mega Mana/Crystal/Metal

Numpad 4: Super Population

Numpad 5: Rapid Empire

Numpad 6: Easy Craft

Numpad 7: Mega HP

Numpad 8: Add Level

Numpad 9: Fill XP Bar

Numpad 0: Mega Level

Numpad *: Weak Unit



Numpad 1: Unlimited Movement - toggle on when YOUR turn.  You can move most units as long as you like.  Toggle off when ending turn or if you see that this was left on while the AI is moving.

Numpad 2: Unlimited Summoning - toggle on and when in the City Actions windown and you can instantly finish Projects using SUMMON, if you haven't already used your SUMMON, you can use SUMMON over and over as long as you have the requirements in place.

Numpad 3: Mega Mana/Crystal/Metal - to use this, make sure you are in the world view map where you can see the amount of mana at the top of the screen. Mouse over the Mana icon, to open the info window on it then press this key to give more.  Do not press this anywhere else or not as directed.  You can also do this same technique for Metal and Crystal, as long as you have at least ONE of them.

Numpad 4: Super Population - to use this, make sure you are in the world view map where you can see the cities, and then select a city.  Note the population progress bar beneath the crest and mouse over it and note the amount of population you already have.  While the amount is visible, press this key. Do not press this anywhere else or not as directed.

Numpad 5: Rapid Empire - this powerful option does many things while it is active. First your logistics will likely never decrease and in fact may increase when it would normally drop.  You can then quickly build units and etc. that normally would use up Logisitics.  Also, your Lore and Sovereign Skill per turn may be higher, such that the things they unlock will unlock more quickly.  This effect is only in place while this option is on.  If you turn it off, the actual values will return.

Numpad 6: Easy Craft - toggle on and most things can be created without having the actual items needed.

Numpad 7: Mega HP - while the UNIT DETAILS window is open, whether on the map or in combat, note the value and then press this key to modify it.  The effect will occur on the unit that is currently displayed in the Details window. Use this to make your units have higher HP for battles.

Numpad 8: Add Level - while the UNIT DETAILS window is open, whether on the map or in combat, note the value and then press this key to modify it.  The effect will occur on the unit that is currently displayed in the Details window. Use this to make your units have increased Level.

Numpad 9: Fill XP Bar - while the UNIT DETAILS window is open, whether on the map or in combat, note the value and then press this key to modify it.  The effect will occur on the unit that is currently displayed in the Details window. Use this to make the current unit have the max HP for the next level such that when the unit earns legit XP, it will level up.

Numpad 0: Mega Level - while the UNIT DETAILS window is open, whether on the map or in combat, note the value and then press this key to modify it.  The effect will occur on the unit that is currently displayed in the Details window. Use this to make your units have higher HP for battles. Note that massive Level also affects your max HP and also your ATTACK rating, so units that you give a high LEVEL to, while be super units that can kill quickly and are almost undefeatable.

Numpad *: Weak Unit - while the UNIT DETAILS window is open, whether on the map or in combat, note the value and then press this key to modify it.  The effect will occur on the unit that is currently displayed in the Details window. Use this to make enemy units easier to defeat in battles.

Game files - Sorcerer King Rivals

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