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Mass Effect 2: Cheat Codes

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Unlimited Squad Points

You must have "Dominate" as a bonus power then, Go to the research terminal and choose "Retrain Powers" to reset your squad points, then choose "Advanced Combat Research" and select "Dominate." You will now have 1 free point invested in "Dominate." Now "Retrain Powers " again, and repeat. Each time you will get 1 extra squad point to invest. Costs 7500 element zero per use.



Bonus Powers for Shepard

Upon completing a character's Loyalty Mission, that character will gain their loyalty power for use. In addition, if Shepard researches Advanced Training at the research terminal in Mordin's lab, he or she can learn a single loyalty power as their "bonus power"; any subsequent times Shepard undergoes Advanced Training the new power selected will replace the old one and the skill points allotted to the old power will transfer to the new bonus power. Any bonus powers earned in previous playthroughs will be available at the start of any new game at character creation and at a research terminal.


How to Unlock

Armor Piercing Ammo

Complete Archangel's Loyalty Mission


Complete Jacob's Loyalty Mission


Side with Morinth in Samara's Loyalty Mission

Flashbang Grenade

Complete Kasumi's Loyalty Mission


Complete Grunt's Loyalty Mission

Geth Shield Boost

Complete Legion's Loyalty Mission

Inferno Grenade

Complete Zaeed's Loyalty Mission.

Neural Shock

Complete Mordin's Loyalty Mission.


Side with Samara in Samara's Loyalty Mission.

Shield Drain

Complete Tali's Loyalty Mission.

Shredder Ammo

Complete Thane's Loyalty Mission.


Complete Miranda's Loyalty Mission.


Complete the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC.

Warp Ammo

Complete Jack's Loyalty Mission.


Completion Bonuses

Once you beat the game, you will unlock these bonuses. It doesn't matter if you start a fresh file or a New Game + file, either way these bonuses will kick in if you have a completed file on your system.


How to Unlock

25% Experience Boost

Start a new game after beating the game once.

Start with 200,000 Credits

Start a new game after beating the game once.

Start with 50,000 of Each Resource

Start a new game after beating the game once.


New Game+

To unlock New Game+, clear the Suicide Mission/watch the credits, then start a new game and select the "Import ME2 Character" option, and select the save file you cleared the Suicide mission on. In New Game+ your current Level, Class, Skills, Weapons Training, and Equipment from your previous save file will be carried over to the new file. in addition, you also gain 50,000 of each resource and a 200,000 Credit Bonus. (NOTE: Upgrades do not carry over and your Karma/Squad Loyalty is reset in New Game+)


How to Unlock

New Game+

Clear Suicide Mission




Bonus Skills for Shepard *SPOILERS*

After completing a character's loyalty mission, you can unlock a new skill for use by the main character. To pick or change which skill you are using, simply complete the "Advanced Training" research upgrade on your ship. On your first character, you will need to train to use these skills, but on every character made or imported after unlocking these skills you can pick them immediately upon creation.


How to Unlock

Armor Piercing Ammo

Complete Archangel's Loyalty Mission

Biotic Barrier

Complete Jacob's loyalty mission.


Choose to kill Samara during her Loyalty mission and have Morinth replace her in your party.


Complete Kasumi's Loyalty Mission.


Complete Grunt's loyalty mission.

Geth Shield Boost

Complete Legion's loyalty mission.

Inferno Grenade

Complete Zaeed's loyalty mission.

Neural Shock

Complete Mordin Solus's loyalty mission.


Complete Samara's loyalty mission.

Shield Drain

Complete Tali's loyalty Mission.


Complete Miranda's loyalty mission.

Warp Ammo

Complete Jack's loyalty mission.


Bonuses to All New Characters

All new characters, including imported ones, gain these bonuses after you have completed the game.


How to Unlock

200k Credits

Start New Game after 1 Playthrough

50k of each Resource

Start New Game after 1 Playthrough

Bonus 25% Experience

Beat the game on any difficulty


Bonuses to Imported Mass Effect Characters

Characters imported from Mass Effect gain these bonuses based on its level.


How to Unlock

100k Credits

Import a Mass Effect character with the Rich Achievement.

10k of each Resource

Import a level 60 Mass Effect character.

2k Experience Points

Import a level 50 Mass Effect character.

30k Credits

Import a level 50 Mass Effect character.

4k Experience Points

Import a level 60 Mass Effect character.

50k Credits

Import a level 60 Mass Effect character.

5k of each Resource

Import a level 50 Mass Effect character.

Start as a level 5

Import a level 60 Mass Effect character.


Unlocked Alternate Color Schemes and Loyalty Skills for Party Members

Complete the Loyalty missions each party member gives you to unlock their hidden Loyalty skills and alternate colors for their costumes


How to Unlock

New Colors for Party Members

Complete a party member's loyalty mission.

Unlock Loyalty Skills

Complete the Loyalty missions for each of your party members to unlock their individuals skills.

Game files - Mass Effect 2

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