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Dead Age: Trainer {}

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    Dead Age

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Using this Trainer:

Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.

Listen for "Activated".

Press desired option key


Options in Promo:

Numpad *: Capture Party Data

Numpad 2: Level



Numpad *: Capture Party Data

Numpad 1: Health

Numpad 2: Level

Numpad 3: AP

Numpad 4: Strength

Numpad 5: Intelligence

Numpad 6: Perception

Numpad 7: Constitution

Numpad 8: Reflexes

Numpad 9: XP

Numpad 0: Skill Points

F1: Capture Resources

F2: Add Material

F3: Add Tools

F4: Add Food

F5: Free Crafting

F6: 999 Ammo



Numpad *: Capture Party Data - you must use this before many of the options below will work.  To use this, enter the Cantina or when you are in battle, enter the Backpack screen and then click the PARTY tab, then select one of the people in the party.  Press this key and wait for Activated.  You can then select party members and press the keys below to affect them.

Numpad 1: Health - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

Numpad 2: Level - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

Numpad 3: AP - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

Numpad 4: Strength - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

Numpad 5: Intelligence - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

Numpad 6: Perception - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

Numpad 7: Constitution - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

Numpad 8: Reflexes - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

Numpad 9: XP - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

Numpad 0: Skill Points - Make sure to use Capture Party Data first!  Each press adds more to the character.  You may have to leave the window and come back to see it has changed.

F1: Capture Resources - you must use this before many of the options below will work.  To use this, enter the Cantina, then click the JOBS button then press this key and wait for ACTIVATED.  You can then use several options below.

F2: Add Material - make sure to use the Capture Resources first!  Each press adds more.  You may have to spend some or wait a day to see it has increased.

F3: Add Tools - make sure to use the Capture Resources first!  Each press adds more.  You may have to spend some or wait a day to see it has increased.

F4: Add Food - make sure to use the Capture Resources first!  Each press adds more.  You may have to spend some or wait a day to see it has increased.

F5: Free Crafting - to use this, click the JOBS tab, and then click on one of the categories, like BLACKSMITH.  Toggle the option on and then leave the category and then come back and you can create items.

F6: 999 Ammo - to use this, click a party member, then click on the ammo part of the backpack, then turn this option on, then equip some ammo.  Turn the option back off, then click away and back to the  ammo part of the backpack and you will see that the character has plenty of ammo.

Game files - Dead Age

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