With this save you can transfer any Kerfur-Omega to yourself via mailbox!
This save was created on version 0.8.1 using cheats, but nothing bad will happen if you transfer it to later or earlier versions, because you only need to take Kerfur from there
All Kerfur-Omegas (even those that cannot be crafted in a regular game) and notes with their crafting (if any);
Nametags that tell in more detail about the creation of Kerfur-O (for example, how to get a toy) or other things;
All regular Kerfurs (including those that appear through the console) and notes to them;
A bunch of other junk that is there exclusively for decoration.
I hope this save really helps you. As a thank you, you can subscribe to my telegram channel, where I post various guides and files that may also be useful: t.me/VotV_ShroomGlade
How to install:
Unzip the contents of the archive
Go to this path: AppData > Local > VotV > Saved > SaveGames
Paste the save into the "SaveGames" folder
If you cannot find any of the required folders, then:
Go to the game
Open the settings
Click on the "Open Assets folder" button
In the explorer, find the path at the top and click on the "VotV" folder
All the same
If this does not help, look for a solution on the Internet, or try clicking the "Select Assets folder" button (or whatever it is called) in the settings and assigning some folder. In theory, this folder should already function as the Assets folder, but I'm not sure that the game will put saves there
You can try via search: type VotV and wait. Several results will pop up, which you check one by one in a separate window.
Author: Total Shroomer