Saved just before an important moment - the assault on the Brain Burner. There is an active quest for a decoder. The character is wearing a slightly battered exoskeleton, the main weapon is the GP-37 with 500 rounds of 5.56x45. As a spare barrel - a silent Cora (150 rounds of .45 ACP).
In the box for "100 roentgen" hidden sniper VLA (600 rounds) and AKS-74U Spetsnaz. If the armor becomes unusable - there are 5 artifacts "Battery". To protect against bleeding, 3 "Flashes", "Slug" and "Mica" (give infinite energy) are collected.
On relations with groups: good connections with "Duty", neutrality with "Freedom". Arena completed, received the title of Master. All Voronin's quests completed, Lukash completed several tasks. Reputation is high, all types of mutants have been encountered and killed.
In the world: Yurik and Bes are dead, Tolik and Shustry are alive. The village of newbies is protected, there is an anomalous leather jacket in a box there. All caches have either been found or already looted.
[Steam folder]\steamapps\common\STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl_appdata_\savedgames
Author: xenzy