This project is based on Lost Alpha DC Extended, it has multiple bug fixes, new quests, and expanded weapons.
I personally played the game on the "Beginner" difficulty level with inflation disabled and the easiest economy (you can easily change all these parameters to suit your taste in the game settings). I did not look for artifacts in the anomalies at all, except for those that are lying around in plain sight or falling out of caches, corpses, or boxes. I decided to publish these saves for those players who do not like stuffy Vasyansky hardcore and want to enjoy the leaked old stalker with realism and updated visuals. Saves work starting from the release version 1.2 and higher. If you are irritated by dull running around and jerking off for several hundred or even thousands of hours, then this material is for you, gentlemen!
Installation is very simple: just drop the appdata folder from the archive into the game folder.
Author: AFONGY