Large two-section raft (the first section is the main part of the 3rd floor, the second is the garden), all the drawings have been studied (it seems like they vacuumed everything, I don’t think they missed anything), 4 motors, 325 foundation cells. Completed all islands
Unzip the archive to any convenient location, then drop the unzipped folder here:
Pirated version: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData(AppData folder may not exist, you need to enable display of hidden elements, then it will appear.)\LocalLow\Redbeet Interactive\Raft\User\[user id]\World\
Steam: [Steam folder]\userdata\[user id]\648800\remote\ for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[user id]\648800\remote\
Author: Ghosty_363