Game is completely done
Step-by-step saves at the beginning of each location and on each save book
All lessons are completed perfectly (4/4 - 50 points to Gryffindor + all stars)
All cards are collected, the last 25th card (Harry Potter) will be opened in the final cutscene
My Documents/Harry Potter/Save/
The game was completed on a repack from R.G. Catalyst, completely Russian version.
Additionally, I threw in a fix for widescreens (when the menu was cut off and Russian text disappeared due to high resolution) and if the saves suddenly won't work without it
How to install the fix:
You need to run the game at least once so that it creates configuration files
Go to "My Documents/Harry Potter/" and open the "HP.ini" file
Find the lines "FullscreenViewportX=" and "FullscreenViewportY=" and replace the values with the resolution you need, for example for 1080p it will look like this "FullscreenViewportX=1920" and "FullscreenViewportY=1080".
Extract the contents of the "HP1 Widescreen" folder to the root folder with the game, replacing the files (after making copies of them)
Author: SuN1Sh1nE