GTrainers » Cheat Codes » WALL-E: Cheat-codes

WALL-E: Cheat-codes

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In the main menu, select the "Cheats" (Codes). Select the "Secret Code #" and enter the code with the corresponding number.
Codes on the left side can not enter - they can only buy, accumulated enough bonus points during the passage of the story ("Story Mode").
Attention! When you enter the code, you just open it - to activate, click on the code or press «Enter». Also, the open and / or activated code is stored in the active profile.

Code - Number - Effect:

BOTOFWAR - 1 - Kills (or stops), all within a radius of WALL-E
StealthArmor - 2 - Enemies can not see or hear WALL-E
RAINBOWLASER - 3 - Laser WALL-E continually changes its color
EXPLOSIVEWORLD - 4 - Make the most of the usual cubes exploding
GLOWINTHEDARK - 5 - WALL-E illuminates the dark places
BOTOFMYSTERY - 6 - WALL-E wears ski goggles
GOLDENTRACKS - 7 - WALL-E gets the gold tracks



Start the game and load your profile (or create a new one). In the main menu, select the "Cheats" (Codes):
Code - Effect:

Wall-E, Auto, Eve, Security Bot - Unlock all bonuses
M-O, Auto, Security Bot, Eve - View all
Security Bot, Wall-E, M-O, Auto - All costumes
Wall-E, Auto, Eve, M-O - Super Weapon (WALL-E)
Wall-E, M-O, Auto, M-O - Invisibility
Auto, M-O, Auto, M-O - Create a cube
Wall-e, Auto, Eve, M-O - Super Weapon (WALL-E)
Wall-e, Auto, Eve, ZPM - Unlock all bonuses
Wall-e, Eve, Eve, Wall-e - In WALL-E always with a laser
Wall-e, M-O, Auto, M-O - Invulnerability
Auto, Auto, ZPM, ZPM - All holiday costumes
Auto, M-O, Auto, M-O - WALL-E can create a cube at any time
Auto, ZPM, M-O, Wall-e - Open all levels of the single player game
Eve, Wall-e, Wall-e, Auto - Improve Eve weapon
Eve, M-O, Wall-e, Auto - View the map online game
M-O, Auto, ZPM, Eve - View all
M-O, ZPM, Eve, Eve - WALL-E and Eve can create cubes at any time
ZPM, Wall-e, M-O, Auto - Unlock all costumes for online play
ZPM, Eve, M-O, Wall-e - WALL-E and Eve are always at arms
Wall-e, Eve, Eve, Wall-e - Get laser

Game files - wall-e

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