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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Cheat-Mode (God Mode for PATCH 1.22)

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DELETE THE OLD FILES and Reinstall the In-Game Menu!!!!

If you are on The Man From Cintra quest, you MUST disable Max Bombs for the optional part to complete.  

What started out as a simple goal of keeping my focus at 3 at all times, has evolved quite a bit.  This mod allows you to customize how you want to play the game, and which annoyances (like dying) you don't want.  From first time Witchers to the die hard fans, there is something in this for everyone.  Everything is customizable; all settings are now controlled by an in-game menu.

You are welcome to suggest new features!  I will implement them as fast as I can. Click the Perms button above to view the outstanding people and tools that made this project possible!

You MUST use Script Merger to ensure compatibility.

(New Features are in red)

Completely configurable via an in-game menu!
Does not change your stats, so it can be turned on and off without getting saved
Comic Sans FTW!

Character Stats

Reduce all incoming damage to 0 (doesn't work with Ciri; I'm working on that)
Remove all falling damage
Lock focus at maximum
Lock stamina at maximum
Always use the Undying skill; still take damage, but don't die
Never run out of breath
Overall outgoing damage multiplier (can even reduce your damage)
Fist Fight specific damage multiplier (can even reduce your damage)


Disable the over-encumbered effect
Customize Quen duration and/or make it never break
Set you toxicity to a percentage, from 0% to 100%
Disable the toxicity screen effect

Witcher's Sense

Change the range
Makes it show everything instantly
Enables jumping and running while in Witcher Sense


Added No Item Level Requirements (thanks sjbox!)
Max Durability
Steal without guards caring
Infinite potions
Infinite potion duration via optional file (see note 1)
Infinite bombs
Infinite oil charges
Infinite bolts
No crossbow reload
Infinite crowns (only can go up, not down)
Crafting doesn't consume items
Unlimited Dyes


Fast Travel from anywhere
Jump and Sprint in shallow water and inside
Unlock mutagen slots
Win Gwent when you forfeit
NPCs always accept your offers
Unlimited horse stamina
No horse fear

note 1: Infinite Potion Duration is a separate download.  You install it like any other mod, and run Script Merger on it.  However, there is no in-game option for it.  It's either installed and worked, or not installed and everything is default.

In-Game Menu - See Screenshots!
There is now a file in the modGodMode directory called "Install In-Game Menu.bat".  Double-click that to automagically install the menu to the correct location.  The Menu is accessed under the Mods selection in Options.  There are a couple of things to note in terms of the in-game menu.  You MUST set each setting at least once when you first install it.  Some features don't turn on and off instantly.  Some require a reload, some just instantly work, and some require a specific event.  For example: Toxicity changes require you using something that causes toxicity or meditating.  Over-encumbered requires your carry weight to change.  Drinking water or eating food is enough.

1. Uninstall the old mod from Nexus Mod Manager, or delete the directory.
2. Download and install the new one through Nexus Mod Manager or extract the archive to your Mods folder
3. Open the folder you just extracted, and look for the \bin folder or run the "Install In-Game Menu.bat" file
4. Copy or move that folder to the root of your Witcher directory
5. Run Script Merger to avoid issues

You MUST use Script Merger to ensure compatibility.
You MUST use Script Merger after each update to ensure compatibility (means deleting the merges and redoing them).   
My mod shares files with a lot of other mods, so you need to run that program to merge them together. I try to write it in a way that makes it merge without conflicts, but I can't test it with every mod.

If you are upgrading from a previous version than 5.00, completely remove all older versions of the file.

The Metabolism Boosts perk with Max Focus on and No Toxicity off is a little weird, by its nature, so it will disable itself in that case.
If you want to submit a file to me, like a saved game, localization, correction, angry letter, virus, or whatever (please not the last one...), click here and upload it to the Dropbox file request.
I am updating this a lot currently and Nexus takes a while between me uploading and it being available, so I have a direct download link in Mirrors, as well as the above link.

Author: jgheld 

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Cheat-Mode (God Mode for PATCH 1.22)

Game files - Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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